Motivation and Inspiration give meaning to life

NaseerAsmad English articles   نصیر اصمد آرٹیکلز
The World Around

NaseerAsmad English articles   نصیر اصمد آرٹیکلز

Inspiration and motivation boast our inner energy.

Inspiration and motivation are important concepts in our daily life but unfortunately somehow they are ignored. A motivated individual or team may really create difference when they are set to achieve some goal. Lack of motivation and discouragement lead to despair and distress. A charismatic leader is the one who keeps on his team or nation motivated all the time. Real motivation can actually do wonders. Let see how motivation and inspiration create difference to life.
Motivations, Inspirations, Dopamine, Boast yourself, success, Inspirational story, Inspirational quotes, Motivational quotes, Motivational sayings, Nasir, Naseer, Asmad, Naseer Asmad Articles

Motivational gestures are magical.

Once a group of frogs was moving through the woods. Suddenly a deep pit came in their way. It was so sudden that two of them fell into it.  Other frogs crowded around it. After seeing the depth of the pit, they told the two frogs that there was no hope left for them so they should give up and do nothing except to wait for death. However, the two frogs decided to ignore what the others were saying and they proceeded to try to jump out of the pit. They were trying desperately but their friends at the top of the pit were still saying that they should just give up. They told them that it seemed impossible that they would be able to come out of the pit. 

Motivations, Inspirations, Dopamine, Boast yourself, success, Inspirational story, Inspirational quotes, Motivational quotes, Motivational sayings, Nasir, Naseer, Asmad, Naseer Asmad Articles

Eventually, it so happened that one of the frogs took heeds to what the others were saying. He gave up and surrendered to death. The other frog perhaps did not pay any attention to what others were saying and continued his efforts as hard as he could. Again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop that exercise and just die like his companion. It seemed that the frog had not listened them. Instead, he seemed more motivated than ever before. He jumped even harder and finally came out of the pit. When he was out, the other frogs inquired him that he had not listened to what they had said. The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought that they were encouraging them the entire time. He took their gestures as they were encouraging him all the time. 

What this story reveals? It shows that your words, gestures and acts can have deeper effects on other’s lives. Think about what you say and act as your words and actions may really prove source of motivation or desperation. What was the thing that made the frog came out of the pit. That was motivation he was conceiving from their gestures.

Motivation is miraculous for younger generation and kids.

Motivations, Inspirations, Dopamine, Boast yourself, success, Inspirational story, Inspirational quotes, Motivational quotes, Motivational sayings, Nasir, Naseer, Asmad, Naseer Asmad Articles

Motivation is a thing that can do miracles. One can perform miraculous actions if he is motivated well enough. We often misunderstand the importance of motivation. Motivation is a great phenomenon on individual as well as group or team level. Youth is the segment of population that can be phenomenal if positively motivated. The problem is that we often criticize too much and never have tendency to encourage someone. Many of our kids and youth suffer in anxiety, depression and inferiority complex as there is no one around to encourage them. They find themselves deprived of even a single bit of appreciation. Lack of encouragement and motivation is a thing that makes precious human resource rusted one. 

Motivation is pushing & Inspiration is pulling force.

A discouraged individual or team may never beat the ones who are positively motivated. Inspirations are always there for people as inspirations come out from within whereas motivation comes from outside. If someone gets his work appreciated and acknowledged, he becomes more motivated. Value system, beliefs, life experiences and imaginations are some of the important factors for inspiration. Short term achievements may foster motivation for long term tasks. Motivated persons can give their full energies and inner hidden capabilities to their work and may prove really beneficial for the society. Motivation is pushing force. It is just like pushing a car by mere physical force whereas inspiration is just like a pulling car which is self driven and can pull or move a person around by its self driven force. Motivated person acquires some sort of energy to push himself forward.

Motivation creates magical hormones.

There are some kinds of different chemical substances called hormones that are created in the body under different emotional conditions as success, grief, anger and happiness. Dopamine is success or motivational hormone that is triggered when we are motivated. Increased dopamine level in the body makes us more competitive and makes us handle obstacles and problems more conveniently. It is on ourselves that how we can keep ourselves and others around us to be motivated, positive and self powered. Our words, gestures and actions mean a lot not only for ourselves but also for people around us.

Motivations, Inspirations, Dopamine, Boast yourself, success, Inspirational story, Inspirational quotes, Motivational quotes, Motivational sayings, Nasir, Naseer, Asmad, Naseer Asmad Articles

Discussion reveals that our appreciations may prove to be a pulling force for individual around us and give them energy and make them positively charged to move in life competition ahead. So we should spread positive signal around us by our gestures and words.
Motivations, Inspirations, Dopamine, Boast yourself, success, Inspirational story, Inspirational quotes, Motivational quotes, Motivational sayings, Nasir, Naseer, Asmad, Naseer Asmad Articles