Motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and sustains a movement based on purpose.

Motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and sustains a movement based on purpose. It motivates you to do things. Motivational, emotional, social, and cognitive forces in motivation are the forces that leads to action. In everyday use, the term "motivation" is often used to describe why and how a person does something or strives to achieve a goal. It is a force behind human actions.
Motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and sustains a movement based on purpose, Naseer Asmad English Motivational Articles


Stimulus not only refer to the factors that motivate the process but It also includes the factors that help to accomplish and maintain the goals. What is the real reason behind our work? The fact is that there are many different forces that guide and direct our motives.

Different types of stimuli.

Different types of stimuli that are involved in motivation process. They are called external or internal stimuli. external stimuli are those that are generated from outside the individual and often include rewards such as money, social identity or admiration. Internal stimuli are those that arises from within the individuals such as gaining personal satisfaction in solving a problem. In many ways, we find motivation is helpful in our life. It acts as a guide for all human behavior. There are a variety of motivators for motivation, such as helping people improve their ability to perform different actions as they work towards their goals. Helping and encouraging people to engage in healthy behaviors. The ability to endure obstacles and difficulties, in order to keep going despite of hurdles, is only possible due to strong motivation.

startup, perseverance, and personal interest. 

There are three major components of motivation: startup, perseverance, and personal interest in achieving goals. Startups include the decision to start a behavior, such as enrolling in a psychology class. Persistence is a constant effort toward a goal, although there may be obstacles. For example, one student may pass an exam without much effort, while another student will study regularly, participate in discussions, and take advantage of research opportunities outside the classroom. . The first student lacks personal interest, while the second student achieves their learning goals with greater personal interest. Personal interest and persistence determine whether you would continue to work towards a goal or not.

How to keep yourself motivated.

We feel the lack of motivation in our lives. If you are feeling less motivated, there are steps you can take and those steps  will keep you moving forward toward your goal. Align your goals with the the things that are really important to you. If you are doing something that is very difficult, move on to it in small steps, improve your confidence and remind yourself of what you have achieved in the past and your true strength. What is it. If you can't reach your goals right away, remind yourself that it often takes time to reach your goals and keep on moving.