Motivation is the process that initiates, provides guidance and sustains the movement towards a goal. 

Motivation is the process that initiates, provides guidance and sustains the movement towards a goal. Motivation is considered to be the force that helps us achieve a goal or achieve the desired results. Encouragement provides a starting point for each goal (e.g., Career building, selecting a partner, adopting a hobby etc). It is common to see that we get motivated to maximize level of our happiness and minimize our pain. The following stimuli are considered to be the sources for motivation.

Naseer Asmad, Naseer Asmad English Articles, Motivation is the process that initiates, provides guidance and sustains the movement towards a goal, External Motivations,Internal Motivations, Curiosity acts as an internal stimulus, The current mood also causes us move towards positive or negative thoughts

External Motivations. If we want people to do something or get motivated or encouraged, then emphasizing rewards (such as money, compensation, etc.) may prove to be powerful motivator. But external rewards generally encourage more attention to short-term results than long-term goals. We always want to avoid losses and prefer only gains. We feel the pain of loss on exaggerated level. Consumers, for example, find a reduction to be more incentive than a rise in prices. Avoiding loss is also a stimulus, which means that you have a strong desire to maintain current status.

Internal Motivations. Internal stimulus refers to the stimulus that leads to internal motivation. Many stimuli in our lives lead to inner motivation. People present their actions and personality in a positive way to project a positive identity. For example, changing facebook profile photos. People are also motivated to confirm their current views. They preferred to be self verified. That's why we prefer the partnership with people who endorse our ideas and opinions and those who are the opposite, we avoid them. For example, living with a partner who confirms your views as your partner is a great motivator for you.

Curiosity acts as an internal stimulus.

Curiosity also acts as an internal stimulus. According to Aristotle, naturally all human beings have a substance of curiosity. They do want to know. We want to learn and discover the world. Whenever there is a thirst for knowledge or information, curiosity arises. Once we realize that we don't know, we want to be curious. Contrary to curiosity, life becomes boring and discouraged. People with an independent mind like to control themselves. Self-control makes us feel happy and strong. Feelings of control over one's self and situations may prove a powerful stimulus.

The current mood also causes us move towards positive or negative thoughts. 

The current mood also causes us move towards positive or negative thoughts. For example, when people feel threatened, they become prone to negative information and perceptions. Being in a bad mood makes a person think negatively. Conversely, when people are in a good mood, they get themselves engaged in all sorts of positive things. As human beings, we are social creatures, and we care about other people's opinions about ourselves. It is driven by a desire to gain the respect of our peers. People always prefer achievements that are endorsed, recognized and valued by other people. Approval is a condition for the formation and maintenance of social bonds. When people are asked which thing plays the most important role in extracting happiness, the vast majority consider love, intimacy, and social attachment to be more important than wealth or fame, sometimes even more important than physical health.